Friday, May 4, 2012

The possibilites are endless when thinking adults are at work

A Polyglot - Expectations Great article. My article below started out talking about the one listed here, but I got off onto another rant. Gotta watch that.

Wow, whoda thunk it? Adults thinking and acting like adults instead of children. (people getting to be who they are and - horror - being accepted for it...) I know so many people who think that the poly model is impossible. What it drives to wonder is - are they making these objections from a logical, thought induced space or just being driven by emotion?

I keep coming back to the question of - why is this such a bad thing? - because I don't understand the negative vehemence coming from the one or two people (close people that I trust enough to talk to about this)who know that I'm trying to figure out what fits in my life.

I get the answer - It's not what I need, its just mid life crisis. Or - It doesn't fit who I really am because I am married to a monogamous woman and raising children with her. Or - If I just concentrate on dealing with my own internal bullshit then I won't even need poly, swinging or any other mode of relationship energy. 

If I am understanding The Mentor properly, once I learn how to love myself I won't need or want anyone else to be part of my life because no matter what I'll always have myself. I also think that its designed to make me understand that I have reached the pinnacle of relationships by being in a stable monogamous relationship for the last 20 years and nothing else that I ever do is going to be better or more fulfilling than what I have now.

Hmmm, I wonder if this is why all I've done is look at this from the outside and held back on getting my feet wet? I mean really, its like looking at a swimming pool, all cool and inviting on a hot day, but holding myself back from getting in because there are little voices telling me that I don't really need to get in the pool for my life to feel complete.

Lots to think about.

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